7 Things to Plan for When Building a Lab

Jan 18, 2022

Are you thinking about building a new laboratory soon, and want to make sure you do it right? There are a lot of factors to consider when starting to plan a lab build project, and it’s important to do some research beforehand. Here is our advice for the things you need to think about before you start building your next lab.


  • Survey Everyone with a Stake in the Lab.

Have a meeting with or gather input from everyone who will be affected by the lab in some way. The company owners, lab managers, lab users, and faculty and staff should all have a say in what they need from a lab to effectively do their work.


  • Know Your Equipment List Beforehand.

Create a detailed list of all the equipment that will be needed in the lab before you start the design process. This will help the designers know how to design a space where all your equipment will fit in a comfortable, safe, and functional way. The designer will also need this to plan where electrical, plumbing, and other necessary systems will be.


  • Be Aware of Personnel’s Spatial and Ergonomic Needs.

Remember that there will be people working in this lab and that they will need to be comfortable in order to work efficiently. Be aware of approximately how many people will be in the lab at one time before you start designing. Make sure there is enough space for every person to have room to comfortably and safely move around and perform their work.


  • Plan for Safety.

Planning for safety is a big must. Your employees must have a work environment where they are adequately protected from all the dangers that lab experiments pose. Here are just a few of the safety features that you must think about when designing a lab:

  • Make sure the space and equipment is able to withstand any extreme temperatures that can result from tests performed in the lab. Also make sure that your employees have a space where they can be safe and comfortable during these tests.
  • If you will be working with hazardous materials in your lab, plan to have a space to store and dispose of these materials.
  • Install proper ventilation so hazardous fumes will not harm your lab users.
  • Make sure that you have cleaning stations in the event your employees become exposed to hazardous materials.


  • Design with Enough Clearance for Moving Equipment.

Will you be moving large equipment in and out of the lab? Design your lab with enough clearance to get equipment through doorways, between workstations, and through hallways.


  • Plan Ahead for Future Needs and Technology.

If you work in the sciences, you definitely know that technology is always changing. Think ahead and design a lab that is flexible enough to adapt to future needs and changes in technology.


  • Do Not Cut Corners on Safety and Comfort

You may be tempted to try and cut corners and save money where you can on an expensive project like this, but please remember that employee safety is of the utmost importance. Do not purchase bad equipment or choose a poor design that could potentially put your lab users at risk. Please make sure you are spending the right amount to ensure a safe, comfortable, and ergonomic workplace.



Building a lab is a big undertaking and there are many factors to consider when planning a project like this. Ease your worries and rest assured that your lab build is in good hands by working with the experienced professionals at Benchmark Houston Builders. Check out our portfolio of laboratory builds here and feel free to contact us with any questions.